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Access to Financial Services in Nigeria survey 2020

October 19, 2021

EFInA launched its first Access to Financial Services in Nigeria survey in 2008. Subsequent surveys were undertaken in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020.

The EFInA Access to Financial Services in Nigeria 2020 survey results have been disseminated. The findings from the survey highlight the opportunities to extend financial services to the unbanked and under-banked low income segments in the country. The EFInA Access to Financial Services in Nigeria survey is nationwide and covers over 20,000 consumers. The survey is conducted every two years and aims to:

  • Document usage of financial products across both formal and informal sectors from an urban and rural perspective.
  • Provide insights into regulatory and market obstacles to growth and innovation in the financial sector.
  • Identify the financial needs of the adult population and thereby give service providers the opportunity to develop innovative products to serve them.
  • Provide credible data that highlight opportunities for policy reform and support evidence based financial inclusion policies.
Final Report
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