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EFInA partners with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to develop technological innovations that will improve access to finance for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria

June 7, 2022

EFInA conducted a comprehensive desk research and a series of stakeholder consultations of financial services providers to identify key challenges providers in the financial and agriculture sector face in developing access to finance facilities for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria.

The research and engagement identified major areas where emerging technology/innovative solutions can be leveraged to address access to finance challenges faced by MSMEs. Key findings from the report have been disseminated.


EFInA will be hosting an Ideathon-Hackathon event to develop and implement at least three innovative financing solutions that meet the needs of MSMEs, particularly in these identified areas:

  1. MSMEs Financial Management Skills Development
  2. Digitised Credit Appraisal and Lending System
  3. MSME Product Design and Loan Structuring Toolkit

Alternative Sources of Collateral

Financial services providers interested in adopting any of the open-sourced solutions developed during the Ideathon-Hackathon can contact EFInA at

Details of the Ideathon-Hackathon will be shared soon. Stay tuned to this page


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