About “The EFInA Podcasts” (TEP)

The EFInA Podcasts is the first podcast channel that uses data evidence and human stories to inform, educate, and enlighten the public on everything related to financial and economic inclusion in Nigeria. Through focused dialogues with relevant stakeholders, the podcast sheds light on pertinent issues hampering financial and economic inclusion in Nigeria while exploring solutions to them. We aim to facilitate a collective effort to dismantle the barriers that keep Nigerians financially and economically excluded.

Financial Innovation & Access: The Consumer’s Threat

Quick Fact:  In 2023, 45% of Nigerians used Digital Financial services (DFS) to meet their financial needs, up from 34%in 2020.

Why it is important:

As Digital Fianacial Services(DFS) users increase, new risks emerge for inexperienced consumers. These issues reduce the trust quotient in the market and pose a significant threat to financial inclusion which is built on trust.

This is Episode1 of the EFInA podcasts – Chinasa Collins-Ogbuo, the EFInA Advocacy lead , is in conversation with Oluwatomi Eromosele (PHD), a development economist expert who currently serves as EFInA’s general manager and Research lead to discuss the increasing threat of risk exposure to consumers due to the growing adoption of digital financial services.

Here is the Spotify link to the podcast.EFInA podcast