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July 7, 2022

About EFInA

Enhancing Financial Innovation & Access (EFInA) is a financial sector development organization that promotes inclusive finance in Nigeria. EFInA is renowned within Nigeria’s financial sector for providing thought leadership toward achieving financial inclusion and championing the unbanked. Data from the EFInA Access to Financial Services in Nigeria surveys and other research has served as a credible source of information used by policy makers and regulators, including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), the National Pension Commission and others, to formulate regulations and policies. EFInA has a strong focus on promoting digital financial services, and in recent years has taken a leading role in supporting an emerging FinTech sector in Nigeria.

For more information about EFInA, please visit


EFInA launched its biennial first Access to Financial Services in Nigeria (A2F) survey in 2008. The EFInA Access to Financial Services in Nigeria Survey is a flagship research tool that provides relevant and reliable data on the demand for and use of financial services by Nigeria’s adult population. The most recent survey was launched in 2021 as the A2F 2020 survey.

General Description of Task and Output

EFInA is calling for a design consultant to deliver the following outputs based on the financial inclusion figures which will be provided in excel format by EFInA’s research team:

  • Assemble and position the financial inclusion figures provided for use in the communication material
  • Use high level graphic design skills to create a 3–5-page factsheet on the state of financial inclusion in each state in Nigeria
  • Prepare an e-copy of these factsheets to be published on EFInA website


The timeframe for the contract starts in July and ends in August with a total of 20 working days.

Payment Schedule

The designer will be paid on a rolling basis after each deliverable has been accepted by the research team

  1. 20% of the overall fees for mobilization
  2. 50% of the overall fees after approval of the factsheet design
  3. 30% on completion

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the technical and financial detail of the proposal will be based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the proposal (extent to which experience and the quality of the prior work is demonstrated)
  • Samples of previous designs (compulsory to attach)
  • Design service fees – value for money. All fees must be in Naira and inclusive of all applicable taxes.

Application Guidelines

All applicants must fill the application form providing all the prerequisite information detailed therein.

Applications from qualified women are encouraged.

Please note that only complete applications received through the EFInA portal will be considered.

All proposals will be reviewed by 19th July, 2022 and consultant should expect a response by Friday, 22nd  July 2022.


Click here to apply


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