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Media Room

Call for a Media Partner

March 9, 2023



Over the last fifteen years, EFInA has conducted the Access to Financial Services in Nigeria (A2F) survey in pursuit of our goal of providing credible market information on the Nigerian financial sector. The demand-side survey conducted biennially, provides insights into how consumers manage their financial lives.  Data from the survey is used by a diverse range of stakeholders, including regulators, as a benchmark for financial inclusion in Nigeria; and by financial services providers to develop a range of relevant financial products through a better understanding of consumers’ needs.

We are now planning to conduct the eighth Access to Financial Services in Nigeria survey in 2023. This Terms of Reference is a request for a proposal for a media partner for the A2F 2023 survey.

Scope of Work

The selected firm will be required to produce support for the following:

  • Develop a communication strategy for EFInA’s A2F survey.
  • Generate graphics for the website and EFInA social media platforms.
  • Prepare a press toolkit for the two Stakeholder engagement sessions for the A2F 2023 survey.
  • Engage selected print media to publish the press statement for the stakeholder sessions.
  • A video documentary capturing real-life experiences from the A2F 2023 survey fieldwork as well as capturing stakeholders use of the data.
  • Create two animation videos (2 & 5 minutes) explaining the findings of the A2F 2023 Survey
  • Provide photography and video services for the two Stakeholder engagement sessions for the A2F 2023 survey
  • Design the detailed report for the findings of the A2F 2023 survey report (word/pdf).
  • Design the summarized version of the findings of the A2F 2023 survey report (ppt).
  • A pocket guide of infographics showcasing the survey findings
  • Design a PPT template capable of highlighting the uptake and usage of financial services as well as opportunities for promoting financial inclusion across the financial sector – Banking, Insurance and Pension sectors.
  • Print 50 hard copies of the detailed key findings report.
  • Print 100 copies of the summarised key findings.
  • Run social media ads showcasing the summary report for at least one month.
  • Secure speaking arrangements with 2 television and 2 radio houses upon survey dissemination
  • Facilitate the hosting of at least 5 social media Twitter sessions to discuss project findings.
  • Facilitate the launch of the A2F podcast – a 10-week podcast program to discuss topics from the A2F 2023 findings

Deliverables & Reporting

The selected media firm will submit to EFInA the following:

  1. Press toolkits including graphics to support the stakeholder engagement sessions
  2. A report on the performance of the press release
  3. The documentary video
  4. Two animation videos (2 & 5 minutes) of A2F 2023 Key findings
    • Animation videos should have subtitles.
  5. Consent must be sought from all sources and the consultant is required to submit signed consent for media purposes.
  6. Where translation is required, the consultant must engage the services of a translator at no extra charge to EFInA and ensure that finished work is presented in English language with sub-titles
  7. Two well-designed versions of the detailed report and the summarised report for publication prior to the dissemination event
  8. A deck of infographics of survey findings
  9. Templates for presenting the A2F 2023 results for the Banking, Insurance and Pension sectors
  10. An inception report detailing work plan, timelines and resources required for completion of the job by the consultant is submitted.
  11. Final Report on Consultancy which should show activities undertaken, approved content & materials used throughout the project, evidence of posted content on both digital & traditional media channels, budget, successes, challenges, results (planned and unplanned), lessons identified, and recommendations on how to address those lessons. This report must be submitted one week after event.

Skills and Qualifications

Proposals from interested firms must provide evidence of the technical capacity of the firm to undertake this project. This includes the capacity to deliver on the stated objectives, as well as prior experience in conducting projects of this magnitude.

The proposal must identify the core management and technical team, with their technical expertise in delivering the projects. The firm’s client portfolio and experience in Nigeria/Africa should also be included.

Supervision, Work Relations & Oversight

The Successful firm will report to A2F Dissemination Project Team for direct supervision.


  1. The Budget should contain a detailed breakdown of all activities, inclusive of taxes and any related cost.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Applicants are welcome to sub-contract specific activities to other firms if and were deemed necessary, however, EFInA must be aware of all third-party vendors.
  2. The evaluation of the functional/technical detail of the proposal will be based on the following criteria:
  • Quality of the proposal (the extent to which they demonstrate the experience and the quality of the experience shown)
  • Competence & Experience of Firm
  • Budget/ Cost; Adherence to Value for Money principles.

All proposals will be evaluated based on the criteria listed in the table below:

Criteria Weighting
Quality of proposal: Technical understanding of TOR exhibited in the proposal, the extent to which they demonstrate the experience required for this project. 40%


Competence and experience of the firm(s): Quality of the experience shown, including experience with financial service providers 20%
Cost: Comprehensive breakdown with justifications and value for money. 40%
Maximum score 100%


Financial Proposal

Consultants shall indicate the total price of the services, including all applicable taxes, in the quotation form provided.  Consultants shall express the price of their services in Naira.

Proposal content and process of application

The proposal from the media partner should include:

  1. A technical proposal that addresses the objectives outlined above. This proposal should detail the strategy, logic, and creative process of the animation video.
  2. While there is no minimum page limit for the proposal, the maximum page limit is 15 pages for the proposal, which is expected to be clear and concise, including cost implications.
  3. Full brief on relevant previous projects.
  4. All cost implications for the project.
  5. All interested firms should indicate interest via email at and will be invited to a debriefing meeting on March 16, 2023, by 2pm to provide more clarification on the scope of work and answer any question the interested firm might have while developing their proposal.
  6. All proposals should be submitted electronically by 5 pm on Thursday, March 23, 2023, to and copied to Any questions related to the preparation of the proposal should be referred to  by immediately after receipt of this TOR.

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